”Kataezome” is one of Japan’s famous dyeing and weaving techniques, which have been handed down to craftsmen and artists. Nowadays, there are many pop patterns that can be easily adapted to modern times, not limited to Japanese patterns, and are available to people of all ages and both sexes.
Therefore, this article will review an overview of ”Kataezome” and pick up recommended kimono and items.
What is ”Kataezome”?

”Kataezome” was invented as a name to distinguish it from other katazome techniques when Seiza Keisuke Serizawa was designated a living national treasure in 1956. It is considered to be a technique similar to “Benigata”, which has been handed down from ancient times in Okinawa Prefecture.
Specifically, a rough sketch of the pattern to be drawn is applied to a Japanese paper called shibu-shi, and a katagami is created by digging from the top, then repeating the process of placing glue on the katagami to express a continuous pattern, while dyeing the colors. Because it is dyed using a kata, it is characterized by its sharpness and acuteness.
Recommendations for ”Kataezome” kimono
First of all, we would like to introduce you to traditional ”Kataezome” kimono.
Kusun Nagoya obi with a ”Kataezome” pattern with an otaiko pattern

”kataezome kusun nagoya” obi with a traditional o-taiko pattern that is calculated so that the pattern appears on the body and the tip of the belt when it is tied up. The elegant, pale colors of the bamboo grove and plum blossoms on the grainy crape ground are perfectly balanced without being blurred by the plain brown of the sides.
name | 【仕立て上がり正絹九寸名古屋帯】茶/ブラウン/竹/梅/花/型絵染/縮緬/お太鼓柄/名古屋仕立て/9寸/なごや帯 |
Price (tax included) | 26,277円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/so-bien/cms-ok-nob0357/ |
Store name | きもの館 創美苑 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/so-bien/ |
Chic and artistic “Kataezome” kusun Nagoya obi

This “Kusun Nagoya obi” is made of 100% silk with an irresistible smooth and lustrous texture, using “Kataezome“. The chrysanthemums depicted in subdued hues are accented with red, green, yellow, and purple, creating an exquisite color palette that is neither subdued nor gaudy.
name | 【仕立て上がり正絹九寸名古屋帯】茶/ブラウン/菊/花/型絵染/縮緬/お太鼓柄/名古屋仕立て/9寸/なごや帯 |
Price (tax included) URL | 26,277円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/so-bien/cms-ok-nob0363/ |
Store name | |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/so-bien/ |
Retro-modern kusun Nagoya obi with ”Kataezome”

This kusun Nagoya obi is dyed in a ”Kataezome” technique, using indigo gray for the ground, and decorated with trees, grass leaves, katabami, daisies, and hydrangeas in various colors, such as white, red, orange, and light blue. It is elegant and even somewhat fairy-tale-like and playful. It can be said that this is an obi in which you can truly enjoy the true pleasure of ”Kataezome”.
name | 【おつとめ品!】【お仕立て無料】池深雪「花と葉っぱ」型絵染 名古屋帯地 |
Price (tax included) | 283,800円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/2010000059616s/ |
Store name | 銀座かわの屋 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/ |
”Kataezome” Kusun Nagoya obi with a lovely touch

A kusun Nagoya obi with a yellow base and dyed patterns. The leaves, flowers, and clouds drawn with a lovely touch give it a pop of cuteness and a retro yet modern feel. The colors can be worn by all ages, and it is no exaggeration to say that young people should definitely pick up this obi.
name | 特選 型絵染 九寸名古屋帯国画会 岡本 紘子作「ちいさな水辺」 |
Price (tax included) | 327,800円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/ohmiya/kataesomenaogoya-1/ |
Store name | きもの近江屋 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.co.jp/ohmiya/ |
”Kataezome” Kusun Nagoya obi of high artistry like a painting

A katae-dyed kusun nagoya obi with a kirie-like pattern on an off-white background. The forms of leaves and flowers stand out with sharp corners, etc., a design that can only be expressed by katae-dyeing. The beautiful texture, like a framed painting, as if it were on display in a museum, will attract the viewer’s attention.
name | 日本工芸会正会員 溝口あけみ「クレマチス」型絵染 紬九寸名古屋帯地 |
Price (tax included) | 292,600円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/2010000075654s/ |
Store name | 銀座かわの屋 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/ |

This kusun nagoya obi is a katae-dyed kimono sash with cute flowers and mushrooms drawn in red, white, green, and yellow on a navy blue background. Mushrooms are a motif often used in modern times, and while they give a pop impression, they also create a retro atmosphere, and the indescribable quality of the design is irresistible. This obi can be worn by young people without any problem.
name | 国画会会員 小島貞二 草花模様型絵染 麻 夏名古屋帯地 |
Price (tax included) | 235,950円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/2010000095904/ |
Store name | 銀座かわの屋 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/ |
”Kataezome” sun Nagoya obi with flowers and peacocks on a pink background

This kusun nagoya obi is dyed in ”Kataezome” with flowers, grasses, and peacocks on a pink background. The colors give a very bright impression and are likely to be appreciated by young people. The touch is like a mural painting, and the atmosphere is more foreign than Japanese. Because of its exotic design, it may become a topic of conversation when worn when interacting with people from overseas in kimono.
name | 花と孔雀の模様 型絵染 名古屋帯【お仕立て上がり】 |
Price (tax included) | 52,800円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/2020000010821/ |
Store name | 銀座かわの屋 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.co.jp/kawanoya/ |
Pale mint green ground ”Kataezome” Kusun nagoya obi

This kusun nagoya obi is a ”Kataezome” kimono obi with a beautiful texture of dragonflies and butterflies elegantly drawn on a pale mint green ground. It is made of Ojiya tsumugi cloth, which has a gentle and light texture. The colors can be worn by all ages, and it is easy to match, so it can be said to be an obi that will definitely come in handy when you have one.
name | 【国画会会員 岡本隆志】特選工芸型絵染九寸名古屋帯<小千谷紬地使用>「花・とんぼ・蝶文」芹沢けい介、最後の弟子!生地からこだわり。一期一会の出会いのお品! |
Price (tax included) | 638,000円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kimonoichiba6/1392758/ |
Store name | 京都きもの市場 楽天市場店 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/kimonoichiba6/ |
Beautiful ”Kataezome” nine-sun Nagoya obi with a line pattern on a brown ground.

This ”Kataezome” Kusun Nagoya obi has a beautiful array of line patterns on a brown background. Within the white lines, bamboo, plum, and clematis are carefully drawn, giving it a refined texture. The fabric is 100% silk, and its luster and smooth texture further add to the luxurious atmosphere. Match it with a light-colored kimono for a tighter overall impression.
name | 【仕立て上がり正絹九寸名古屋帯】茶/ブラウン/竹/梅/鉄仙/花/型絵染/縮緬/お太鼓柄/名古屋仕立て/9寸/なごや帯 |
Price (tax included) | 26,277円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/so-bien/cms-ok-nob0361/ |
Store name | きもの館 創美苑 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/so-bien/ |
Gentle soft hues of ”Kataezome” kimono

A ”Kataezome” kimono with autumn leaves and running water on a soft pale yellow background. The texture of the crepe fabric with its prominent grain is also irresistible. The touch of the pattern is supposed to have a traditional Japanese atmosphere, but it also has a somewhat modern and stylish impression, which will enhance the elegance of the item by combining it with a simple obi.
name | 【型絵染】特選型絵染一方付け小紋着尺「流水草花文」目利きの方へ…滅多にご紹介のできない傑作品。 |
Price (tax included) | 69,800円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/kimonoichiba6/1368237/ |
Store name | 京都きもの市場 楽天市場店 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/kimonoichiba6/ |
Pearl-toned ”Kataezome” kimono

This ”Kataezome” kimono has a pearl tone finish that is highly effective in protecting the crape from shrinkage and the shibori from stretching. The pearl tone finish also has the effect of preventing discoloration and preserving the texture of the kimono in better condition. This is an exceptional piece of kimono with retro-modern patterns on a light blue background.
name | お仕立て付き パールトーン加工付き お宝商品 型絵染 人間国宝「芹沢圭介」氏作 正絹 ちりめん生地 一方付け 最高級小紋(仮絵羽状態・仮仕立て) 水色/人々の風景柄 |
Price (tax included) | 1,980,000円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/auc-sawarabi/10002474/ |
Store name | さわらび〜ほりだし堂〜 |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/auc-sawarabi/ |
”Kataezome” items
The use of ”Kataezome” is not limited to kimono.
Modern and pop furoshiki (wrapping cloth) with ”Kataezome”

Furoshiki made by ”Kataezome” with pop designs that are easy to use in everyday life. The use of colors and the motifs depicted on the cloth change only to create a stylish item with no Japanese feel at all. Please choose your favorite from “Maru to shikaku” by Nobuyuki Takai, a dyeing artist, or “Hachidori” by kata kata, a unit of “Nenrin” stencil-dyeing artists.
name | 風呂敷 70cm 二巾 70 こはれ 縁起のよいモチーフ むす美(ふろしき)(ハチドリ/ねこととり) |
Price (tax included) | 1,210円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/hyoma/musubi-kohare70/ |
Store name | お香・能作・風呂敷のひょうま |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/hyoma/ |
Tapestry with tasteful ”Kataezome”

The “Kataezome” tapestry depicts pine, bamboo, and plum trees. The simple design expressed in plain white color will make your space look sophisticated. Available in brown, matcha, and red, you can get the one in the color you want to incorporate to match the taste of your room.
name | 型絵染タペストリー箱入り タペストリー 壁掛け 松 植物 インテリア 和 日本製 京都 手づくり リビング 和室 84×85cm 松 竹 梅 |
Price (tax included) | 15,180円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/zakkastore/10135/ |
Store name | こだわり食器と雑貨のお店 irodori |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.co.jp/zakkastore/index.html |
Kataezome’s gorgeous and fun-to-do folding umbrella for sunny and rainy days

The “Kataezome” umbrella has different colors on the front and back, allowing you to enjoy two different looks with one umbrella. The retro-modern pop Japanese patterns will make your outings fun. It is available in a total of four colors, so you can either get your favorite one, or get a whole set and change it every day according to your mood.
name | 伊砂文様 晴雨兼用 折り畳み傘 日本製 和柄 傘 女性用 伝統 雨傘 日傘 折りたたみ かさ レディース 総柄 日本橋 小宮商店 |
Price (tax included) | 18,700円 |
URL | https://item.rakuten.co.jp/nipponselect/s61510004/ |
Store name | 産直お取り寄せニッポンセレクト |
Store URL | https://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/nipponselect/ |
We reviewed an overview of Japan’s famous ”Kataezome” and picked up recommended Japanese kimonos and items.
Kataezome” is not limited to Japanese patterns, but can also express pop and modern patterns in a variety of colors, so there are many items that can be used in daily life. Even those who do not usually wear Japanese clothes can easily incorporate katae-dye into their daily lives, so why not try to acquire your favorite items?